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Our tofu and seitan are fresh, preservative-free and enriched with fresh in-season vegetables; thus making up a range of products which are both naturally flavoured and ready to be quickly heated while keeping their original taste.
Our products come out of a unique expertise which has been developed with passion and dedication as well as continuously perfected over all the years we have worked so far.
The unique flavour and tenderness to the palate of our seitan, the pure delicate taste of our tofu and the rich properties of our tempeh all come from our meticulous selection of flours and top-quality soybeans which are then patiently hand-processed.
Piece by piece, all of our products are hand-kneaded and made with passion and care since they come daily to your tables as well as ours.
Mucous membranes line the surface of the digestive system, respiratory tract and the urino-genital tracts. The essential PUFA’s and antioxidants present in sea buckthorn oil act together in order to maintain the health of these mucous membranes within the body. The omega 7 PUFA is of particular importance because it has a low susceptibility to oxidation. Damage by free radicals can result in a loss of function leading to ulceration of the digestive tract, a disturbed epidermal barrier in the skin (resulting in impaired wound healing and dermatitis) and dryness of the urino-genital tract lining (especially in menopausal women). (Free radicals are chemicals which are created by our own metabolism as well as from environmental factors such as smoking, air pollution, UV light exposure). These PUFA’s also play an important role in regulating immune function and inflammatory response.
What do you take Omega 7 for?
The menopause can cause symptoms of intimate dryness so women may benefit from taking Omega 7 in particular. People who suffer from dry mucous membranes ie: contact lens wearers, people with Sjogrens syndrome and skin disorders such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis may also find a benefit.
BilberryP.E 25%
Chondroitin Sulfate
Echinacea Purpurea Extract [Chicoric acid(UV)2% or Polyphenols(UV)4%]
Madagascar periwinkle
Natural Arbutin
Natural borneol
Natural D-linalool oil
Pine Bark Extract
Pueraria(Kudzu) Extract
Sambucus williamsiiHance
Schisandra Chinensis Extract
Soybean Isoflavones
White Bean Extract
White Willow Bark Extract
Echinacea Purpurea Extract [Chicoric acid(UV)2% or Polyphenols(UV)4%]
We can also supply other plant extracts as follows:
1.Aloe Vera Extract
2.Alfalfa Extract
5.Boraneol oil
6.Grape seed extract
8.Cinnamon extract
9.Cinnamon cassia powder
10.Capsicum red
11.Chondroitin Sulfate
13.Edible flaxseed health oil
14.Gold Theragran P.E
15.Guarana extract
17.linoleic acid
19.Magnolia bark extract
20.Milk Thistle
21.Nettle root extract(3,4-divanillytetrahydrofuran)
22.Natrual Arbutin
23.Natural borneol
24.Natural D-linalool oil
25.Otheca mantidis
26.Peppermint oil
28.Serenoa repens
30.Soybean Isoflavones
31.Tribulus Terrestric extract
32.Tea polyphenols
Certified NOP
2. bilberry extarct
• Es hipotensora (recomendada para personas con tensión alta, pues la reduce).
• Para el cuidado facial.
• Para problemas de acidez de estómago
• Adecuada para bajar el nivel de acidez de la sangre y de la orina.
• Ayuda a bajar de peso porque no tiene calorías y no produce ninguno de los nocivos daños
causados por el azúcar y los demás edulcorantes artificiales.
• Es soluble en agua fría o caliente, sin calorías, se puede hornear (es estable a los 200°C).
• No se fermenta.
• No crea placa dental, es anti-caries, y no tiene efectos tóxicos.
La Stevia no tiene calorías y tiene efectos beneficiosos en la absorción de la grasa y la presión arterial. Contiene carbohidratos, proteínas, vitaminas y minerales No se reportan efectos secundarios de ninguna clase, como efectos mutagénicos u otros efectos que dañen la salud. 1 taza de azúcar equivale a 1 ½ a 2 cucharadas de la hierba fresca o ¼ de cucharadita del polvo de extracto
Noni, Silicium, Aloe